George Lab
Addiction Research Laboratory at UCSD

My Expectations
Research Assistants/Technicians/lab managers:
As permanent employees, you are the core of this laboratory, you have the utmost responsibility of ensuring that the lab run smoothly and that all the students and postdocs receive the help they need.
I expect that you will not only help when needed, but that you will proactively offer your help during downtime and make sure that the students/postdocs receive the best possible help before, during and after an experiment is performed.
I give you the most flexibility in terms of schedule and expect the most flexibility from you in return.
I expect that you will ensure that the lab is fully operational at all time. That includes making sure that all equipment is functioning properly. I expect that you will take the steps to fix anything that needs to be fixed in a timely manner, even if it is not your area of expertise. Find the person who can fix what is broken.
I expect that any request from me or other lab members be performed in a timely manner, if possible the same day.
I expect that when performing experiments, you will collect the data, organize them and perform quick analysis of the data to facilitate the work of the postdocs.
I expect that you will use a notebook on a daily basis and report all procedures in it.
I expect that you will keep records of all procedures and manual, and develop standard operating procedures that you will teach to all the lab members.
I expect that you will let me know whenever there is an important potential issue/conflict that you cannot solve on your own.
Undergraduate Students:
I expect that you will be dependable, reliable, punctual and committed to your internship.
I expect that you will read the papers related to your projects and be familiar with the lab’s publications.
I expect that you will ask questions, and ask questions again to ensure that you fully understand what you are doing. Never perform a procedure if you are not fully understanding how to do it.
I expect that when performing experiments, you will collect the data, organize them and perform quick analysis of the data to facilitate the work of the postdocs/technicians.
I expect that you will be able to setup an experimental room, perform the experiment and leave the room/equipment in proper order. That include testing the equipment before the procedure and cleaning the room and the equipment after each use.
I expect that you will use a notebook on a daily basis and report all procedures in it.
I expect that you will learn new skills and maintain the laboratory in proper order.
I also expect that sometimes you will make mistakes, but that you will learn from your mistake. Everyone at some points make mistake and I expect that when it happens you immediately inform your supervisor or myself and I expect you to be open and honest about it so that we can avoid this in the future. You will NEVER be in trouble for making a mistake but you will certainly be in trouble if you try to hide it. Own your mistakes, and you will earn respects from others.
Graduate Students/Postdocs:
I expect the same things than for undergraduate students, but obviously much more ;-).
I expect that you will always present data to me or at lab meeting as fully analyzed data with journal quality figures and full statistics.
I expect that you will learn new skills and teach your own skills to the rest of the lab.
I expect that you will mentor undergraduate students.I expect that you will collaborate with the other GS/postdocs and help in anyway you can whenever you see that they are too busy and getting overwhelmed.
I expect that you will propose new ideas, new approaches and new experiments and not only do the one that i want you to do.
I expect that you will bug me as much as possible so that you obtain whatever is needed for your project, your next paper or the advancement of your career.
I expect that you will work on an Individual Development Plan and regularly meet with me to ensure that you meet your goals.
I expect that you will help review manuscript with me, prepare slides for talks, write papers, help write grants and help in anyway you can to push projects forward so that they have the highest impact on the field.
I expect that you will at time be frustrated, exhausted, and running out of steam. I expect that you will reach out to me as soon as possible so that i can help you get over the hurdles.
Expectations of the boss (me):
You can expect me to provide a vision for the lab and do anything I can to ensure that the lab is producing high quality research and that your career goals are met. I will work days and nights, weekdays and weekends to ensure that the lab as adequate funding, that your salaries are paid, that you get the piece of equipment that you want, that your paper gets published and that you get the credit you deserve.
You can expect me to give you credits in papers, peer-reviewing, talks and conferences to ensure that your career is successful.
You can expect me to work with you to secure your independent grant/fellowship.
You can expect me NOT to micromanage your schedule.
You can expect me to be tough but fair and to solve conflicts when they occur and to ensure that the philosophy of the lab is maintained and that all lab members are respected.