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George Lab
Addiction Research Laboratory at UCSD

Dr. Bruce Hope (NIDA-IRP, Baltimore)
Neuronal ensembles and alcohol drinking

Dr. Ivy Carroll (RTI)
Effect of novel nicotinic receptor agonists/antagonists on nicotine intake.

Dr. Gilpin (New Orleans, TX)
Effect of nicotine vapor on nicotine dependence.

Dr. Damaj (VCU, Virginia)
Effect of novel nicotinic receptor agonists/antagonists on nicotine intake

Dr. Baulieu (MAPREG, France)
Microtubule, aging and motivation

Dr. Robert Messing (Austin, Texas)
Optogenic inactivation of CRF neurons

Dr. Andrew Tapper (UMMS)
VTA CRF neurons and IPN connectivity

Dr. Christelle Baunez (Inserm France
Deep brain stimulation

Dr Paul Sawchenko (Salk, California)
Role of VTA CRF neurons in nicotine dependence.

Dr. Howard Gutstein (Houston, Texas)
Tyrosine kinase and alcohol dependence

Dr. Van der Kooy (Toronto, Canada)
Role of VTA CRF neurons in nicotine dependence.

Dr. Contet (TSRI)
Viral vectors

Dr. Larry Parsons (TSRI)
In vivo CRF microdialysis

Dr. Marisa Roberto (TSRI)
Electophysiology of the VTA

Dr. Mike Taffe (TSRI)
THC vapor inhalation

Dr. Chitra Mandyam (TSRI)
Neurogenesis and addiction
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